Easy going - lameness prevention in dairy herds
How do we judge if cows are lame or not?
Despite of the fact that lame cows can be found in every dairy herd and prevalence is extremely high in many farms, lameness is hardly ever recognized as an actual disease. However, the economic losses caused by lameness should not be underestimated.

Egg production part 2/2. How to realize the genetic potential – Focus on nutrition
In the previous episode, we highlighted the genetic aspects and the importance of good pullet quality to achieve optimum, top quality eggs.
In addition to the rearing period, various nutritional aspects also need to be taken into account.

Mycotoxin and endotoxin risk management: helpful tips for handling
In our last episodes, we have learned a lot about mycotoxins & endotoxins, their development and effects in different animal species.
Find out which aspects are important in toxin management? Which quality critera of product components are important? Which modes of action are necessary in handling the wide range of different toxins?

The mycotoxin and endotoxin challenge in the GIT of swine
In our last episodes, we have learned a lot about the development and effects of different toxins in livestock production. In this episode we will have a deeper look in the mode of action between mycotoxins and endotoxins.
Find out what happens in the grastro intestinal tract (GIT) if there is a co-occurrence of myco- and endotoxins! Are there any vaccine reactions? Which production stage is most at risk and what management solutions do exist?
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