ExpiredFat digestion is a complex process in which the body´s own bile salts and enzymes play a vital role. In livestock farming, there are a range of factors that can impair this process.

ExpiredThe imbalance between nutrient intake around calving and its needs held a large risk for problems during this time.

ExpiredNewborn diarrhea is still the most common problem in the first weeks of life.

ExpiredRespiratory diseases are the second most common in the rearing phase. Acutely ill animals must be cared for quickly to minimize negative effects on development and long-term consequences.

Miarom Intest L
ExpiredThe maintenance of gut health is crucial for performance in animal husbandry.

MiaTrace Se
ExpiredThe trace element selenium plays an essential role in the immune defense system of animals as it serves as a central building element for more than 20 enzymes which are involved in the degradation of free radicals.

MiaPower 100
ExpiredThe period after calving is always a challenge for high-performing cows. To compensate for the stress of calving and the onset of milk production, the animals have a much higher energy demand than they can cover with feed due to the lower feed intake in the first few days.

MiaRadOx P2
ExpiredProtect your raw materials, feedstuffs and vitamins from oxidative changes by avoiding their deterioration in the most effective way.

MiaRadOx L/P NAT
ExpiredBlend of natural of antioxidants specially designed to protect your raw materials, feedstuffs and vitamins from oxidative changes by avoiding their deterioration.

ExpiredHigh-performing animals are constantly exposed to various stressors. Heat stress, mycotoxin intoxications, metabolic stress and impairment of immune function are common worldwide.

MiaCowStart P
ExpiredAn optimal start to lactation is decisive for the performance and fitness of dairy cows and all ruminants.

MiaFirstAid P
ExpiredDiarrhea causes heavy losses of fluids and electrolytes and excessive dehydration can be life-threatening for young animals.

ExpiredProblems in cattle herds are often due to incorrect feeding. The rumen plays a key role in ruminant nutrition.

Miarom Classic P
ExpiredThe power of phytogenics and their active ingredients has been known for centuries. Inspired by nature, their benefits are nowadays also proven in animal nutrition. Among other important effects, they are able to support a healthy respiratory tract and boost animal well-being.